make it easy, every time, and it will always be easy

a call to action

a lot has been going on here at 5 Rings Fitness, personally and with my clientelle

bio-feedback has been the topic of many conversations and posts, and if you follow anyone on this you should be following these people

The Movement

Mike T Nelson

Adam T Glass

if you have not heard of them, then you are missing out

we are all part of a growing community of folks that realize some basic, fundamental truths

your brain and nervous system are the governing things in your body
without which, you will be a lump of goo with some calcified structures and visecera


use that system that governs you to your advantage, or not, up to you really

you can
use bio-feedback ( a term and method that is older than any of us ) to become better faster and never stop advancing
you can ignore what your body tosses up as road signs, run off the road now and then, and occasionally through blind luck and genetics, make some gains

want to get that fat off?
wnat to get stronger
want to get faster?

am I reaching you herbert?

try it, just try it
and tell me if you are not a little creeped out

perform a toe touch, when you feel tension "anywhere" in your body, mark that range of motion

perform a movement pattern

perform the toe touch again with the same speed and test the range of motion at which you feel tension

if it got better, the movement is good, if not, pick a different movement

pick a few movements that co-incide with your goals (strength, speed, agility, fat loss, muscle gain etc)

pick the one that tests the best

use that movement as your work for the session

there is more available on this at the sites I listed, go
test the veracity of my claims

join us
become one of a tribe of folks that are making leaps and bounds toward our personal bests everytime we put our wheels on the track

or get run over

the only thing in the middle of the road, is road kill and paint

get strong
stay strong