dont take your guns to town son.....

put the pistol away after my third day last week
1/1 x 3 every 15 minutes was more than enough work
the next day the pistol tested b adly so I switched to one arm pushups at a roughly 45 degree incline for the rest of the progression
by friday 5/5 was hit and the fun was over

next week the clubs come out
not to hit any one with
to swing
Indian Clubs are a fun and functional tool that I employ on a regular basis
it seems that the trend has come around again

John DuCane at Dragondoor has put together another cert for us, The Certified Indian Club Specialist Workshop

looks like I will be attending, a chance to commiserate with my mates in the RKC, learn from Dr Thomas, and swing sticks....

what can I say
I am a simple man

since many of my students and clients have expressed interest in using the Indian Clubs, and
some of them have taken up club swinging
it seems a natural fit

at any rate

here we go!

get ready mates, 6 pairs of 1 lb clubs are enroute to my home for use in the Richfield classes and with my private clients

in other news

Someone figured out that kettlebells do indeed burn a lot of calories in a short time....
this from the Office of Captain obvious

sorry to sound snarky
if you could not figure out that moving a chunk of metal at high speeds in explosive full body motions did not burn a ton of calories, build incredible force production and strength output, and deliver mind numbing endurance

you have not been paying attention

either way
good on ACE for stepping up with some truly empircal studies of the effects of kettlebell use

if you are coming to the classes I teach, you will already recognize the 15:15 protocol of snatching/push pressing/high pulling/swinging from our bouts

if you are not in my class,
I have to ask
Why not?
where else can you get quality instruction from an RKC that incorporates the Functional Movement Screen, Z-Health, and other cutting edge exercise science to deliver the best fitness experience at the lowest cost?

no where

15$ at the door, $150 for a 12 punch card
Monday Evenings 6:30-8pm

10$ at the door, $100 for a 12 punch card
Tuesday afternoons 12:15-12:45pm


I recently got the High Gear from Tony Blauer Tactical and am impressed so far with the suit

for the private Martial Arts Students I have, you know what that means
better training, more realism, deeper knowledge of the use of the self defense and sport material I have been teaching you

See you when I see you

pistol packing

FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell
Take 2 Bells of equal weight
Place bells side by side and perform the following complex:
1 Push up
1 Renegade Row per Side
Clean both bells to the rack
1 Front Squat
1 dbl Press
Continue for 10 minutes
Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
Finish with 10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

Last week was a good bit of work

12,600 lbs of pressing 5/5 every 15 minutes, 36 rounds
14,000 lbs of pressing 5/5 every 15 minutes, 40 rounds
16,800 lbs of presssing 3,2,1 l/r every 15 minutes, 40 rounds
19,600 lbs of pressing 3,2,2 l/r every 15 minutes, 40 rounds
54,000 lbs of pressing 3,3,3 l/r every 15 minutes 40 rounds + 40 rounds of mvo2 Viking Push press

all done with the 16kg bell

this week is pistols
all pistols
all week


1/1 1/1
until friday which will culminate in 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 every 15 minutes

grease the groove with me
pick one thing
do it once or twice per hour
all day


its brand new, its brand new to you

Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell
3-5 Sets of 3-5 Reps:Body Weight "Bone Rhythm" Squats
3-5 Sets of 3-5 Reps"Bone Rhythm" Push Ups(these can be performed on any surface that allows the movement to be crisp, precise, and puts the least amount of stress on the system
Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

Its a new year

yesterday I started my new year routine as I do every year, revisiting the basics

the first piece of the basics pie is the press



strict press 16kg 5 left/5 right every 15 minutes 36 rounds


Strict Press 16kg 5 left/ right every 15 minutes 40 rounds

Wed (thats today)

Strict Press Ladder 16kg 3,2,1 left/right every 15 minutes 40 rounds


same deal,
every morning I test my one set maximum

Mon it was 6 with the 24kg, Tue it was 16kg for 10, today it was 16kg for 12

this is one set of very precisely executed, perfect form, no tension press from below the chin to full lock out with the arm behind the ear military press with the 16kg bell

I will stay with this until next monday, when I will test with the 24kg again

get the picture?

the matrix I am following for the month of January is as follows

Max set left + max set right= A


B=top rung of ladder


every day, the ladder will be run from top to bottom every 15 minutes for 36-40 rounds (depending on when I arrive at my office job)

I will add reps as needed and flow up the matrix until I hit a new max set per arm and reset

this is my January

what are you doing for the first month of the new year?