Naked and sore

had someone mention that the routine I had outlined for them was deceptive

3 Body Weight Squats
3 Push ups
3 Pull ups
30 seconds of res between each set of 3
repeat 3 times a day

that makes 9 reps a day....

all should be performed with full use of the principals of breath and tension (some of my students had a refresher of abdominal tension the other night in grappling class with the "breathing on the ball", or hockey helmet as the case may be, that is another matter though)

after doing the routine for a day, they complained they were sore
3 days later after the second attempt at the routine, they had discovered that they had fewer leaks of strength and that the routine was easier

after 2 weeks of the routine, they had higher numbers on their strict clean and press (from the 16kg to the 22kg), added about 20 pounds to their front squat, 15 to their dead lift, and 10 minutes of continuous h2h swings with the 12kg was no longer something that frightened and nauseated them....

all with body weight exercises that reinforce the principals taught by 5 Rings Fitness every day, with every class, and with every client.

still naked for the month of January, and getting good results myself
I have sorted out a few leaks of my own, and discovered some bad motor engrams that need to be removed and replaced
still getting stronger
still getting faster
smarter is for another arena.

Back on your heads.

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