100% compliance

Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell
3-5 Sets of 3-5 Reps:Body Weight "Bone Rhythm" Squats
3-5 Sets of 3-5 Reps"Bone Rhythm" Push Ups(these can be performed on any surface that allows the movement to be crisp, precise, and puts the least amount of stress on the system
Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

recently I was listening to the Irontamer's teleconference over at Geoff Neupert's site -Kettlebellsecrets.com-

at one point Sr. RKC David Whitley aka "the Irontamer" talks about the compliance model

50% of the model is the physical
50% is nutrition and diet


where do you fit in the compliance model

personally, I sit around 80% most of the time

I do something physical every day, and eat really well, that is to say I eat a lot of really high quality food, almost all organic, whole, unprocessed as possible, and as I have intimated in the past, if it has a label, it is immediately suspect
that is not to say that I do not eat sweets ( I have at least one Bija Bar a day, it's got omega 3/6/9 blend of udo's in it ) and love chocolate (whatever the best stuff on sale at the co-op is) cookies (again, the best organic on sale cookies a the co-op)
but I also have a salad before almost every evening meal, a huge salad most of the time (2 qt mixing bowl huge) that is mixed greens with some bitter herbs in there (mustard, collards, etc)
I eat pizza, yes, I will cop to it, I have slices of "white" or oil only pizzas and the occaisional alfredo from the shop above my office, however
for the most part

my diet is at least 30% on target

the physical happens every day
z-health drills, kettlebells, club swinging, martial arts, body weight drills....
every day
even sunday

7 days a week


a day without movement is a day that I wonder if I am really alive

what is your compliance model?

get it right, then move on

Today's Workout of the Day
FMS Corrective Strategies
Full Body R-Phase Session-Coordinated Speed
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell

Renegade Row 5x 5/5 alternated with
Swings 5x25

Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

be correct in the movement
be efficient in the movement
be proficient in the movement

move on

slow down, you move to fast, you got to make the ....

Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies
Full Body R-Phase Session-Coordinated Speed
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell

10 minutes of Viking Warrior Conditioning with appropriate sized bell at your personal cadence on the 15:15 protocol

Pekiti Tirsia Dirty Dozens 1 min of each drill

Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

yes, I am quoting Simon and Garfunkle
yes, I know the "feeling groovy" song
yes, I am a geek


before you decide to hit the gym to work your "ass" off or any other part of the body you are trying to lose before bikini and speedo time rolls around again

think on this

if you got into the shape you are in overnight, you can get out of it over night
if it took any longer to get there, 
you may need more time to get back to "fighting" shape


you did not get
out of shape
in one day

so, it will take some time to get back to the place you once called home (as far as the body and its capabilities goes anyway)
bearing this in mind, 
take the time to get there in a fashion that does not involve 
crash diets
insane workout regimens
thousands of dollars of new equipment

start by working on mobility 
work on your ability to perform a skill
try this novel idea
do some body weight exercises to get reaquainted with physical movement beyond making it from the couch to the store for more ho-ho's, beer, and bacon



after you can move your own body through space under control, and have a decent grasp of the range of motion you are capable of, perhaps now is the time to attack the gym with a sensible, manageable routine, that will guarantee success

and stick with the plan

no shiny syndrome
no bs
just work at something for 6wks at the least, then re-evaluate and see what your needs are


Fists, sticks, bells and brains


Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
Kalos Sthenos Get-up 10 single reps, alternating arms each rep.  
One arm swing 5x10/10 

From BJJ:
Shrimp Left/Right/Backward/Forward
Hip Up and reach over to slap mat 50 times left and right
100 Wall Tackles

Resting when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

If you are noticing a difference in the workouts, here is the deal

I am a martial artist,coach and student of martial science/sport/art

some of the work I do that does not involve kettlebells, clubs, or other pure exercise and mobility is in the realm of the martial errata


I will be including some bits in the workout of the day that is for those of you who have a martial hobby, and know what they are, enjoy, if you do not know what they are, no worries, you can email me, or just pretend you don't see them

where the drills call for partners, I will point it out, most however are solo type drills that you can get in most anywhere (if you don't mind some funny looks)

be sharp though
do not start swinging a machete around in an alley and expect to not be noticed
you may make some new friends, or you may get tazed

it will not be my fault

Skill, as practice

Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell
10 Minutes of any of the following with Perfect Reps in mind

Swings with a 12-24kg Bell
Pekiti Tirsia Single Stick 5 Angles of Attack with Footwork
Pekiti Tirsia Espada y Daga 1st Seguidas
Carenza with:single of double stick,
stick and dagger,
single or double dagger,
or empty hands kali drills

Resting when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

It occurred to me on the way home friday evening, that if folks were to practice the skills of any part of their daily lives, the way that I apply my skill practice to things like strength and martial science, they would soon have proficiency if not mastery of the skills.

pick a drill, any drill 
be it mobility, strength, relaxation, some physical movement pattern (ie a martial art technique or principle)
and practice that skill the way I grease the groove

email me and give me a list of your gtg (grease the groove) patterns and I may well join you

in fact

if I like it, I will post it here with attribution and you can be the progenitor of skill for some others (which, is a great feeling, trust me)



Junkie Logic

Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies
Neural Warm Up 1-Coordinated Speed
10 Minutes of the following cycle as Ladders With 1-5 rungs
2 Hand Swing/Goblet Squat/Renegade Rows (Switch sides after each rep)
Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

Junkie Logic

Go here
Read that article, then ask yourself if you are an addict

Last night, my wife and I were discussing this article, both of us having been followers of the "no label" diet for a while.
If it has a label, it may not be worth consideration as a food.
Simple enough

Even simpler, keep the list of ingredients on a label down to a minimum, and if you cannot pronounce it or identify it? Why bother eating it?


If you want to get yourself some brush up or exposure to some of the best edged weapons methods available in modern times, show up this weekend (October 25th) at Cornerstone Martial Arts 
Sifu Mike O'Melia will be putting on a workshop to prepare for the upcoming Stick and Dagger Seminar with Tuhon Bill McGrath which will be held Nov. 7th and 8th

It has been my great pleasure to have been Sifu O'Melia's student for the last 8 years, (caveat, I am a coach at Cornerstone, though, the business end of my life has kept me out of the gym for too long lately, sorry mates, I will be back to beat you with sticks, and be beaten in turn ;) 
I have also had the rare opportunities to have trained under Tuhon McGrath and find him to be both a principled and dedicated instructor, as well as an all around Capital Fellow! (my navigation skills were overlooked) 
If you get the chance to stop by and take part, please do not pass up the opportunity, the knowledge will be worth the price of admission, and the company will be top quality.


I could not say it better, so I will not

Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies
Full Body R-Phase Session-Coordinated Speed
10 Minutes of the following cycle with a Med-Heavy Bell
One Hand Swing/Clean and Press/Overhead Squat
Switch Sides after each Cycle
Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

A Fellow RKC has recently penned an article touching on what I wrote about yesterday, I encourage you to check out Comrade Ross's article here

She nails it

enjoy the day mates, more comin 

Can you sustain the pace?

Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell
10 Minutes of the following cycle
Halo/Slingshot/Tactical Lunges
10 reps per drill
Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

Can you sustain the pace?

One of my clients asked me recently how I gauged the pace that I worked at, or more to the point, how I knew that I was getting the most effect for the effort.

Easy, I replied, if I think I can sustain the pace that I am working at for 10 minutes of uninterrupted effort, it is a good pace.

There is a pace that you can find, at which you feel like you can work for a reasonable amount of time and still have a solid reserve of energy.

Unless you are a combat athlete, or a tactical athlete (meaning you carry a firearm for a living and deal with threat to life stress, not that you do pull ups without your thumbs for reps), the efficacy of training in a state at which you start a hormonal cascade is questionable at least, not recommended for most and possibly dangerous for the majority of the population.

Sound like heresy?
but maybe making grandma swing a bell for 10 minutes on her first evening is abuse as well

perhaps having someone sacrifice quality of movement to achieve the goal is cheating the client

Find a pace that you can work at, without losing the quality of the movement being performed, your postural alignment, your control of your breath, or the balance of tension and relaxation in the movement, and you will have found the best pace for every day work.

Save the emotional work for days when you are hitting vo2 snatch sessions ala the Viking Warrior Conditioning

You will not be any less manly or Valkyrie like 

I would posit, that you will in fact get stronger, faster, and have more cardiovascular endurance, for having worked at an easy pace, allowing your body and systems to adapt to the stress you are imposing on it without detriment to the systems or sacrifice of quality of movement

It has worked for me, and many I know
In fact, most of the folks that I take my cues from, advocate much the same thing

work smart
expend the effort where it will give the most reward

or you can ignore what I say
do preacher curls till your biceps explode and you look like half a cover of Muscle and Fiction

go nuts

see you in 20 years, 
we will see who is pushing whom in a chair

getting stronger yet?

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The greasiest ......

Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell
Take 2 Bells of equal weight
Place bells side by side and perform the following complex:
1 Push up on the bell handles or 1 One Arm Push up per side
1 Renegade Row per Side
Clean both bells to the rack
1 Dbl Front Squat
1 Dbl Press
Continue for 10 minutes
Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
Finish with 10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

The Greasiest.......

Today, I will be greasing the deadlift with a 28kg bell
this means that I will be deadlifting the 28kg kettlebell that I keep by my desk 5 times every 15 minutes for the rest of the day
Why you may ask?
In order to be really good at something, you must do it a lot.
A lot a lot, not a little here and there until you are good, but alot, every time you perform the action, what ever it may be, it must also be performed with the best mechanical ability that you can muster.
Perfect posture, perfect breathing, absolute control of every joint involved in the movement.
It is all about flight time, how many times has a pilot gotten into the cockpit before being allowed to solo?
How many hours must you log before you can take a drivers exam?
The base movement patterns must be there, as second nature, before you can begin to call yourself proficient.
And at that point, you must maintain those patterns, as close to perfect every time, or you will lose them.

Use it or lose it

Simple to intellectually understand, however some folks seem to miss it

So, today is deadlift day, with a 28kg bell
butt goes back, knees go back, butt goes back, knees go back, ......ad infinitum

5 every 15 minutes, until my day is done

and my gym boss just sounded, so...butt goes back, knees go back......

how greasy is your groove?

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Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell
3-5 Sets of 3-1 Ladders
 Dead Hang Pull Ups and Light Military Press
Alternate between Press and Pull up on an even ratio (ie 1 pull up, 1 press)
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no  more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

Can you dig it?

Can you perform the motion with proper posture and control, without a load?
If not, why are you trying to load it up

a while back, I had a conversation with some of my fellow instructors (some of whom were my seniors) and we were discussing the pistol or one-legged squat.

If you are unable to perform the pistol without a weight in my opinion, you should not be attempting it with a weight, forcing yourself in essence into the movement.

arguments were made that form some, anatomical considerations were necessary, and that they would just not be able to otherwise perform the movement

I still disagree, if you need a weight to force you into the position, something is bad wrong (again, this is my opinion and should not be taken as gospel)

the same however can be said for any movement, if you cannot get your arms to hit rock bottom in the bench press for example (though, why you are bench pressing is beyond me, if you are, stop reading muscle and fiction, get with a real strength instructor, and learn what it means to BE strong, not look strong) then you should likely address that mobility issue before you start loading up the bar

this, frankly, is my argument

establish good control of your breath
then-address the mobility issues and establish good postural control
then, establish proficient control of your body and all joints therein
after this, establish a good base for cardiovascular endurance
and finally, learn how to apply the strength you have to the task you wish to perform, with the most efficient use of force and effort possible

train smart, make work easy

rant over

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Are you doing it in the right place?

Today's Workout of the Day

FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell

VO2Max Protocol-Snatch/Swing/High Pull or Viking Push Press
use any of those movements with the appropriate sized bell
15:15 Sec Work:Rest Ratio 6-8
Work for 80 Sets, complete as many as you can with the 4 Elements of Efficiency in mind
Rest position for the -Snatch=Overhead Lock out/Swing=Rack/High Pull=Rack/Viking Push Press=Overhead Lockout

10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down

Are you doing "It" in the right place

When you are performing your corrective exercises, or mobility drills, are you ever trying to perform the movement in the position that you spend the most time in?

Example, if you sit at a desk as I do for many hours (I have a day job, working data entry for a legal support group, I type, alot, alot alot, like thousands of words a day alot) have you ever tried any of your mobility drills sitting at your desk?
Finger drills, wrist and hand?
Neck and Thoracic Spine mobilizations?
How bout those ankles knees and hips?

Try to perform at least one of the drills I have given you (if you have not gotten a drill from me, contact me, I will perform a movement screen either in person or via video clip, and I will get back to you with some simple mobility drills that are sure fire methods of improving your overall movement quality, reducing pain, and preventing injury) in the position you spend the most amount of time in. Whatever that position may be, seated, standing, lying on your back, upside down with a wrench in your mouth, whatever.

By mobilizing our joints in the positions we spend the most time in, we are following the "SAID" principle. The SAID principle is an an-acronym that stands for "Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand"
In short, we get really good at whatever we do the most

If we are tense all the time and in pain....
If we are happy go lucky and never have a care in the world....
If we constantly sit at a keyboard staring at a computer screen with terrible posture and loads of tension in our neck, shoulders, wrists, forearms etc.......

get the picture


try doing "it" where "it" will do you the most benefit

If you are coming to the Saturday Class, bring a notebook
New Schedule will be out soon for the Richfield Classes, there will be one R-Phase Class per week during the Afternoon, one Kettlebell Class during the afternoon, and one Kettlebell Class during the evening. Times and Dates are being worked out with the city so as soon as I know, you will know.

Remember to Get Strong, and Stay Strong

Back on your heads

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