Today's Workout of the Day
FMS Corrective Strategies and or Z-Health Warm Up
10 Minutes of Kalos Sthenos with a light Kettlebell
10 Minutes of the following cycle
Halo/Slingshot/Tactical Lunges
10 reps per drill
Rest when any of the 4 Elements of Efficiency are no longer present
10 Minutes of Hardstyle Turkish Get Ups with a bell weighing no more than 20% of your bodyweight
Z-Health Cool Down
Can you sustain the pace?
One of my clients asked me recently how I gauged the pace that I worked at, or more to the point, how I knew that I was getting the most effect for the effort.
Easy, I replied, if I think I can sustain the pace that I am working at for 10 minutes of uninterrupted effort, it is a good pace.
There is a pace that you can find, at which you feel like you can work for a reasonable amount of time and still have a solid reserve of energy.
Unless you are a combat athlete, or a tactical athlete (meaning you carry a firearm for a living and deal with threat to life stress, not that you do pull ups without your thumbs for reps), the efficacy of training in a state at which you start a hormonal cascade is questionable at least, not recommended for most and possibly dangerous for the majority of the population.
Sound like heresy?
but maybe making grandma swing a bell for 10 minutes on her first evening is abuse as well
perhaps having someone sacrifice quality of movement to achieve the goal is cheating the client
Find a pace that you can work at, without losing the quality of the movement being performed, your postural alignment, your control of your breath, or the balance of tension and relaxation in the movement, and you will have found the best pace for every day work.
Save the emotional work for days when you are hitting vo2 snatch sessions ala the Viking Warrior Conditioning
You will not be any less manly or Valkyrie like
I would posit, that you will in fact get stronger, faster, and have more cardiovascular endurance, for having worked at an easy pace, allowing your body and systems to adapt to the stress you are imposing on it without detriment to the systems or sacrifice of quality of movement
It has worked for me, and many I know
In fact, most of the folks that I take my cues from, advocate much the same thing
work smart
expend the effort where it will give the most reward
or you can ignore what I say
do preacher curls till your biceps explode and you look like half a cover of Muscle and Fiction
go nuts
see you in 20 years,
we will see who is pushing whom in a chair
getting stronger yet?
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